Story Pole Plan

Roof Plan / Story Pole Plan

Typically, the story poles plan is prepared by the team’s architect or designer. It can be prepared by the home owner, project manager or C Story Poles. Click the image on the right to zoom in.


Story poles plans for buildings are typically the proposed roof plan with top of pole elevations labeled at points of ridges, parapets, hips, gables, chimneys etc.


Building corner story poles are typically located at the corners of the proposed building and not at the corner of roof over-hang.


Story poling the roof over-hang or “drip line” can exaggerate the bulk and mass of the proposed building. Roof over-hangs can be story poled and then strung with a contrasting flagging color so as to differentiate between  the proposed building and over-hang. Or out–riggers fastened at the top of story poles to emulate the over-hang. In most instances, only over-hangs exceeding 24 inches require story poles.

Owned and operated by Chris Collins: licensed land surveyor, fully insured, 30 years experience!